Nano Center Indonesia

Nano Center Indonesia (terdaftar di Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia AHU-734.AH.01.04 2013) merupakan pusat penelitian, pendidikan dan alih teknologi di bidang ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi pada umumnya dan nanoteknologi secara khusus. Didirikan oleh para ahli nanoteknologi Indonesia dan anak-anak muda terkemuka untuk memajukan ilmu pengetahuan dan mensosialisasikan nanoteknologi di Indonesia.

Nanoteknologi diyakini membawa revolusi baru di abad 21. Diciptakan oleh kuliah terkenal oleh Richard Feynman: “Ada banyak kamar di bagian bawah.” Saat ini, ada jutaan produk nano di pasaran: tabung nano karbon, perak nano, nano titania & banyak lagi. Rangkullah dirimu sendiri, gelombang nano mengganggu dunia kita .


Internship program by NCI is a research internship that trains the awardee to upgrade the skill, abilities, and knowledge in research. This program is designed with innovative learning through hands on experience in the laboratory and deep analysis of data.

Minumum Criteria

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Physics, Chemistry, or materials science.
  • Fluent in English (speaking and writing).
  • Strong interest in nanomaterial synthesis, applications, and scholarly activities.
  • To work collaboratively with colleagues and external networks for information exchange, to promote relationships and future collaboration
  • Proactive in writing and presenting research outcomes

Deserable Qualifications

  • A knowledge of nanomaterial synthesis.
  • Sufficient knowledge of the hydrothermal method for nanomaterial synthesis is preferable
  • A knowledge of the desired material characterization techniques such as XRD, SEM and FTIR
  • Ready for the computational DFT approach.
  • Able to break complex problems into small parts
  • Ready to accept research challenges


  1. Stipend during the internship
  2. Access to research facilities in the Nano center Indonesia
  3. Internship Certificate

Duration Of Internship

6 months, extendable based on the performance

Selection Process

  1. Administrative screening
  2. Online interview and presentation

The documents need to be sent to : and CC :

Cover letter
CV with recent photo
Bachelor degree certificate and transcript

Deadline: 25 December 2022