PT ExxonMobil Lubricants Indonesia

  • Last Update:
  • Kategori:
    D3, Full Time, Oil & Gas, TeknikD3, Full Time, Oil & Gas, Teknik
  • Lokasi:
  • Tipe Pekerjaan:
    Full Time
  • Pendidikan:
  • Pengalaman:
    2 - 3 Tahun

ExxonMobil, perusahaan minyak dan gas terbesar di dunia, menggunakan teknologi dan inovasi untuk turut memenuhi kebutuhan energi dunia yang makin meningkat. Pada tahun 2018, ExxonMobil akan genap terlibat dalam pengembangan industri minyak dan gas di Indonesia selama 120 tahun.  Perusahaan afiliasi ExxonMobil beserta perusahaan pendahulunya telah beroperasi di Indonesia selama lebih dari 120 tahun. ExxonMobil memiliki sejarah panjang yang membanggakan dalam bekerja bersama masyarakat Indonesia. Selama lebih dari satu abad kami telah membantu menyediakan energi untuk Indonesia.

Keberhasilan ExxonMobil dalam menemukan dan mengembangkan sumber daya minyak dan gas bumi di Indonesia menjadi buki nyata komitmen dan kontribusi perusahaan pada sektor migas di Indonesia. Akses terhadap energi menjadi landasan dari kenyamanan, mobilitas, kesejahteraan ekonomi, dan perkembangan sosial masyarakat. Keberadaan energi menyentuh hampir setiap aspek kehidupan modern. Sebagai pemimpin industri di hampir setiap aspek bisnis energi dan petrokimia, kami mengoperasikan fasilitas atau produk pemasaran hampir diseluruh negara di dunia dan mengeksplorasi sumber daya migas di enam benua. Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai operasi kami di Indonesia.

Operator Production

What will you do :

  • Operate production facilities in safe manner and following approved operating procedures and work practices within operating envelope, maximized reliability and maintaining integrity.
  • Conduct daily surveillance rounds timely, record parameters and required tasks. Discuss with Lead Operator/Supervisor any issues and discrepancy found during the rounds.
  • Report immediately to Control Room Operator/Lead Operator any abnormality and unsafe condition observed during conducting the rounds. Provide first line control of situation under close communication with CCR operator, including justification to local shutdown or ESD should condition becomes uncontrollable.
  • Understand core OIMS element and CIMS expectation related to operation and apply accordingly.
  • Complete periodic Competency Assessment & required trainings to maintain evergreen competencies of assigned role.
  • A reliable member of ERT team to handle emergency situation to minimize impact to personnel onboard, production downtime, environmental and community.
  • Review work permit pack requirement for completeness including thorough hazard identification and mitigation (JSA). Confirm required isolation have been applied, zero energy demonstrated, and where applicable, adequate rescue and lifting plan are available to provide a safe environment for personnel to perform the work. This is a mandatory requirement prior signing work permit to live.
  • Manage SIMOPS when it is approved. Monitor safety devices under bypass/defeats to ensure prevention and mitigation actions implemented
  • Stop, intervene, and approach others when unsafe act/manner observed.
  • Watch closely critical works being performed within assigned areas such as Confined Space, Lifting, work at height, breaking containment, hot work, etc. Intervene immediately or stop the work when deviation to safe work practice, work management system or safety regulation is observed.
  • Perform equipment isolation, draining, purging/venting, and ICC application either prior hand over for maintenance or for long term isolation/decommissioning purpose. Apply car-seal open/close accordingly.
  • Perform proper equipment reinstatement after maintenance activity completed or long-term isolation resume.
  • Ensure sufficient chemical, LPG, Nitrogen, Ammonia and diesel fuel stocks and inform Control Room Operator and Lead Operator for replenishment.
  • Conduct fire water system weekly run-test and fire extinguisher monthly checks or per approved schedule. Communicate issues and findings to Lead Operator/CCR Operator.
  • Conduct Work Permit and activities assessment for ongoing activity and provide timely feedback to work group for improvement.
  • Participates in development, review and revalidating of operating procedures, understand safe operating limit of parameters and equipment.
  • Lead weekly safety meeting when scheduled.
  • Involve in PSSR when needed to ensure safe startup of any new equipment /modified facility introduced within CPF facilities.
  • Record daily activities in logbook, conduct a thorough hand over during shift change and ensure SHE, Integrity, reliability & WMS aspects are addressed.
  • Ensure good housekeeping in his working area.
  • Improve capability to be potentially assign as Central Control Room Operator or Lead Operator.

Skills and Qualifications :

  • At minimum of Associate Degree (Diploma D3) or equivalent, preferably enhanced by related technical school course.
  • Possess 2-3 years of well operation or crude oil processing plant or other production operation experiences.

Preferred Qualifications

  • Understand in Oil & Gas Processing including required certification trainings.
  • Competent on the safety requirement and completed competencies assessment as required.
  • Proficiency in English, verbal and written.
  • High integrity, trustworthy, and accountable personal.
  • Good communication, Interpersonal and Analytical/Problem Solving Skills

All applications will be treated as strictly confidential.  Only short-listed candidates will be notified.
No individual shall be authorized to use the ExxonMobil name and logo in an attempt to solicit up-front fees from the interested job-seekers.

