PT Kalbe Farma Tbk

Berdiri pada tahun 1966, Kalbe telah jauh berkembang dari usaha sederhana di sebuah garasi menjadi perusahaan farmasi terdepan di Indonesia. Melalui proses pertumbuhan organik dan penggabungan usaha & akuisisi, Kalbe telah tumbuh dan bertransformasi menjadi penyedia solusi kesehatan terintegrasi melalui 4 kelompok divisi usahanya: Divisi Obat Resep (kontribusi 23%), Divisi Produk Kesehatan (kontribusi 17%), Divisi Nutrisi (kontribusi 30%), serta Divisi Distribusi and Logistik (kontribusi 30%).

Keempat divisi usaha ini mengelola portofolio obat resep dan obat bebas yang komprehensif, produk-produk minuman energi dan nutrisi, serta usaha distribusi yang menjangkau lebih dari satu juta outlet di seluruh kepulauan Indonesia.

Saat ini PT Kalbe Farma Tbk kembali membuka lowongan kerja terbaru pada bulan November 2024. Adapun dibawah ini adalah posisi jabatan yang saat ini tersedia bagi Anda para pencari kerja yang tertarik untuk mengembangkan karir Anda bersama PT Kalbe Farma Tbk dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut.

Lowongan Kerja PT Kalbe Farma Tbk

1. Plant Technology Dev. Operator

Responsible for feeding raw materials into machines, operating machines, making minor repairs, replacing parts. and testing finished materials for compliance. Also assist in the design, testing, and implementation of new systems and processes. ensuring they meet quality standards and operational efficiency.

Requirements :

  • Minimum vocational high school (SMA/SMK) majority Engineering/Software Engineering
  • Have at least 1 year of experience at production on pharmacist industries is a plus
  • Willing to work in a shift system

2. Logistic Worker/Weigher

Gathering and recording information about products to keep accurate inventory and manage shipping, receiving and stocking more effectively.

Requirements :

  • Vocational high school (SMA/SMK) or Diploma graduates
  • Have at least 1 year of experience as weigher on pharmaceutical industry is a plus
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Have knowledge about principles of occupational safety and health at workplace (K3) is a plus.

3. Tax Staff

Responsible for preparing, reporting all compant tax activities, control and monitor all tax daily operation, including all kind of tax report to generate.

Requirements :

  • Bachelor Degree (S1) majoring in Tax/ Accounting
  • Skills in Value Added Tax (VAT), Withholding Tax, and Employee Tax
  • Details and analytical with the tax data

4. Data Scientist

Creating and executing machine learning algorithms and statistical models, ensuring the effectiveness of data models through rigorous testing and analysis.

Requirements :

  • Fresh graduates in computer science, statistics, physics, mathematics, information technology, electrical engineering, pharmacy or apothecaries are encouraged to apply
  • Have at least 1 year of experience at data analytical on industries is a plus
  • Knowledge of SQL and Python and Java is an asset

5. Analytical Scientist

Organize the development of defined assays, necessary for assessing product characterization and product quality of manufactured lots.

Requirements :

  • Fresh graduates pharmacist/chemist/apothecaries are encouraged to apply
  • Knowledge of the Good Manufacturing Practices and Good Laboratory Practices in a regulated environment (pharmaceutical)
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills

6. Production Officer

Responsible for the quality and quantity of daily/weekly/monthly production from the company in accordance with predetermined instructions and targets.

Requirements :

  • Fresh graduates apothecaries are encouraged to apply
  • Keen eye for detail and good concentration skills
  • Exploring machinery intricacies and collaborating with other departments to investigate production issues
  • Have good communication and great leadership skills

7. Safety & Health Officer

Identify potential hazards in the work environment, conduct periodic risk assessments, develop and implement risk mitigation measures.

Requirements :

  • Professional degree in Medicine MD (Profesi Kedokteran)
  • Strong communication skills to lead teams and address safety concerns
  • Strong knowledge of occupational health and safety regulations.