PT Keramika Indonesia Assosiasi Tbk

DISNAKERJA.COM – PT Keramika Indonesia Assosiasi (KIA) didirikan pada tahun 1953. Awalnya, pabrik di Tanjung Pandang, Belitung hanya memproduksi beberapa jenis alat-alat makan dengan kapasitas yang sangat kecil. Namun, mulai 1968, KIA merupakan produsen utama dari keramik dinding yang berkualitas sangat baik (termasuk aksesorisnya), saat ini dengan 725 orang staf yang sudah di training dengan baik dan memiliki performa yang sangat baik, perusahaan dapat membawa brand KIA, IMPRESSO, dan SPECTRA mendapatkan pengakuan dan penghargaan dari pasar atas kualitas produknya, baik secara domestic maupun internasional yang meliputi Asia, Eropa, dan Amerika Serikat.

Saat ini, pabrik KIA berlokasi di Jawa Timur dan Jawa Barat. Untuk produk keramik dinding dan lantai, pabriknya berlokasi di Cileungsi, Bogor dan Karawang, Jawa Barat; sementara keramik untuk atap diproduksi di Cileungsi, Bogor and Gresik, Jawa Barat.

Lowongan Kerja PT Keramika Indonesia Assosiasi Tbk

HR Officer

Job Description :

  • Administering benefits, compensation, and employee performance programs
  • Responsible to handle HR administrative
  • Calculate and process employee salaries in accordance with company regulations and applicable laws and regulations
  • Main support to the Head of HR for all monthly and periodic Payroll matters by sourcing all payroll data, preparing and updating monthly variable allowance files; performing BPJS Registration; handling medical claims, Overtime, Employee loans, Business trip allowances, Bonuses; Employee Tax calculations, and handling overseas outsourced payroll services providers
  • Collect and verify attendance data, absenteeism, and other information needed to calculate employee salaries
  • Calculate and process employee salaries in accordance with company regulations and applicable laws
  • Manage salary deductions, such as income tax deductions, BPJS contributions, and employee loans
  • Reconcile and verify data to ensure payroll accuracy

Qualifications :

  • Male / Female
  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science.
  • Excellent communication in English
  • Having experience for at least 2 year in HR
  • Problem solving and analytical skills
  • Has data processing capabilities
  • Proficient in Ms.Office ( especially formula Excel )
  • Good time management and communication skills
  • Have good interpersonal skills
  • Strong understanding of compensation and benefits principles.
  • Working Place at Karawang
  • Carreer Path

[Head Office] PT. Keramika Indonesia Assosiasi, Tbk
Cowell Tower (ex. Graha Atrium Building)
5th Floor
Jl. Senen Raya No.135
Jakarta 10410

Send your CV to: and use the applied position as e-mail subject