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Fresh Graduate, Full Time, Manufaktur, S1, SWASTA, TeknikFresh Graduate, Full Time, Manufaktur, S1, SWASTA, Teknik - Lokasi:
Jawa Barat - Tipe Pekerjaan:
Full Time - Pendidikan:
S1 - Pengalaman:
0 - 1 Tahun
PT Yamaha Music Manufacturing Asia (YMMA) adalah salah satu anak dari perusahaan raksasa Yamaha Corporation Group yang khusus bergerak dalam produksi peralatan musik, seperti piano, gitar, drum dan keyboard. Awal mulanya perusahaan hanya memproduksi dalam sekala kecil namun karena permintaan konsumen dunia meningkat maka sejak tahun 1980 an resmi membuka cabang di luar Jepang.
Lowongan Kerja PT Yamaha Music Manufacturing Asia
1. Production Engineering Staff
- Male / Female, 20-30 years
- Required Skill (s) : Having capability and understanding in mechanical drawing, machine elements, jig/tool and machinery drawing, autocad
- Having at least 3 years of experience
2. Production Staff (Software AI Engineer)
- Male / Female, max 30 years
- Required Skill (s) : Computer software hardware skill, Al Programming skill data-web programming skill Al software basic knowledge, computer software hardware knowledge
- Having at least 1 years of experience
3. Production EngineeringStaff (Maintenance SAP S/4 Hana System)
- Male / Female, max 40 years
- Required Skill (s) : Proficient in SAP S/4HANA and Microsoft Office, able to perform presentation in English
- Having at least 2 years of experience
4. Production Staff (Robot Automation Mechanical Engineering)
- Male / Female, max 30 years
- Required Skill (s) : Automation/robot desgn skill, computer hardware software skill, mechanical design skill, automation/robot knowledge, able to perform presentation in English
- Having at least 1 years of experience
5. Production Engineering Staff (Maintenance YMES production System)
- Male / Female, max 40 years
- Required Skill (s) : Proficient in YMES and Microsoft Office, able to perform presentation in English
- Having at least 2 years of experience
6. Information Technology Staff
- Male / Female, 20-30 years
- Required Skill (s) : Proficient in Power BI Software
- Having at least 1 years of experience
General Requirements :
- Willing to be placed in Cikarang
- Having valid statement of Police Record (SKCK)
- Having active BPJS memberhip
- Having drug free statement (SKBN)
- Bachelor degree majoring in Industrial Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Information En ineering
- Min GPA of 2.88
- Having good communication in English (verbal and writing).
- Kami tidak menerima surat lamaran dalam bentuk hard copy
- Kami hanya memproses pelamar yang memenuhi kualifikasi
- Test seleksi hanya dilakukan di PT Yamaha Music Manufacturing Asia
- Alamat: Kawasan Industri MM2100, Jl. Irian Blok EE-3, Cikarang Barat, Kabupaten Bekasi
- INFO: Akses lebih mudah di aplikasi Disnakerja Download Sekarang Disini!