Sinarmas Forestry

  • Last Update:
  • Kategori:
    Full Time, Pertanian, S1, SWASTAFull Time, Pertanian, S1, SWASTA
  • Lokasi:
  • Tipe Pekerjaan:
    Full Time
  • Pendidikan:
  • Pengalaman:
    1 - 2 Tahun

Sinarmas Forestry (SMF) adalah Perusahaan Hutan Tanam Industri Terbesar di Indonesia yang memiliki cara pandang global dalam mempersiapkan tantangan dan kesempatan pengelolaan hutan lestari serta memprioritaskan tanggung jawab sosial di seluruh wilayah kerjanya.

Sinarmas Forestry adalah salah satu unit bisnis dari grup Sinarmas yang membawahi perusahaan-perusahaan penanaman hutan lainnya yang beroperasi di daerah Sumatera dan Kalimantan.

Lowonan Kerja Sinarmas Forestry

Junior Researcher – Forestry

Are you passionate about research in the forestry industry? Do you enjoy analyzing data, conducting field trials, and contributing to sustainable plantation development? Join our team and be part of impactful research in the Industrial Plantation Forest sector!


  • Bachelor’s degree in Forestry, Agriculture, Environmental Science, or a related field.
  • Candidates with 1–2 years of experience in research, data analysis, or field trials are welcome.
  • Strong analytical skills and ability to interpret research data.
  • Familiarity with silviculture, soil science, or tree breeding is a plus.
  • Proficient in using research tools
  • Willing to work in both field and laboratory settings.
  • Strong communication and report-writing skills.

Location: Jambi

Application deadline: March 4, 2025

How to Apply?

Send your CV to CC: | Subject Email: Junior Researcher

*Seluruh proses rekrutmen tidak dipungut biaya!